My team created the best planner ever made,
The Dead and Wrong Planner 2025. You will find yourself next year saying, "I can't believe how well planned everything is. I need to stop being so well planned. It's not fair to everyone else." Invest in yourself by buying this weekly planner. Not only do you get weekly and monthly calendars, each week includes a quote from some of the world's smartest people predicting things so wrong. Available in paperback and hardcover. Be the envy of your coworkers and family members. Or buy planners for them so you can all spend the year benefitting from
your excellent judgment!
Founder and host at Story Night since 2014.
Hosted multiple comedy and quiz events.
Story Slam winner at The Moth in Seattle. Grand Slam participant.
Newspaper reporter at The Kitsap Sun (Bremerton, Wash.) for 13 years, The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) for two and The Daily Herald (Provo, Utah) for one. Covered local and state government, and anything else the editors needed or fascinated me.
When everyone was writing a Substack newsletter, I did too. Find it at That Long Walk.
Day job is is Public Information Officer for the county’s elections office.
Books will be here soon!
Story Night
Since October 2014 community members in and around Bremerton, Washington have gathered to tell and listen to stories about our lives and the roads we’ve taken. Patterned after The Moth, Story Night is a beloved, local tradition. Join us!